Eat to LIVE!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Jumping Islands ~ RT4 ~ Bikram Yoga

Hello everyone!!

I have been eating a whole lot of bananas for the past eight days. attempting to do a full out banana island. with all of the bloating (and I mean massive ugly bloating), I have decided to jump islands... banana island during the day and HCLFV island at night (cooked). since island jumping, I have noticed a lot less bloating. Don't know why that is? My dinners have been staying the same: rice noodles, 1/2 head of lettuce, mixed steamed veggies and occasionally beans. all mixed in one bowl. when I do this, I wake up less bloated than if I do banana island all day including dinner. funny.
So I have to say that a full out banana island travel is not where I want to be... I'm thankful that I had the experience with it and know what to expect with it.

My diet of choice is RT4. I feel my very best with this lifestyle. my energy levels have been through the roof which is not normal for me. I crave daily naps and have been diagnosed with hyper adrenals... I am curious to know if this amazing lifestyle has aided in correcting the hyper adrenals??? I wouldn't doubt it!!

I started a new challenge ~ Bikram ~ :D It's been three years since I have been in the torture chamber and since starting on the HCLFV diet, I have had a pull to get the yoga mat back out! yesterday was my first day back and OMG let me tell you!! I felt at home the moment I inhaled that hot humid air!! Lol... no joke!! I loved it!! I will say that I had some uncomfortable belly time during the class... while doing the floor poses, my tummy was super sensitive and I think it was because of the bloating I carry with me and the waste that decided to stay in for the day and a half. all in all though, this is home to me and I'm happy to be back!

Love and Light!!!
Cherish your body!!
She Fit Vegan

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Datorade ~ sweet and delicious!

OOOOOOOOOH datorade!!  What a great treat! Today is my first day making a datorade, I decided to make this instead of banana milk for breakfast/lunch. It is so sweet and so refreshing! Just what I need !!
My Datorade includes:
20 medjool dates
vanilla drops
500 ml coconut water
1000 ml water
ashwaghanda drops

Banana Island ~ Day Six

Hello Fruity One's!!!

today marks day six of my banana island. I've had some ups and downs this week... mainly just irritated with the consistent bloating.

I had a cooked dinner (rice noodles and lettuce) the past two nights and surprisingly, when I woke the next day, I wasn't near as bloated as to the other days when I woke from being strictly on the bananas. I'm curious to know why that is??

So!! I'm thinking about doing the banana island till 4. unless there are days when I want to do the bananas all day. I've been doing my best to ripen the bananas as much as possible before eating them... putting them in paper bags with a tomato, putting them in the oven, and buying plenty at a time to give enough time for the newest ones to ripen while I indulge on the already speckled ones. But yet, still have the bloating as a constant... blahhh!! that's the only word that came to mind when thinking of bloating! Lol

I have been having many BM's through out the day which is great and shows me that the digestive system is indeed doing its thing!! I probably GO 4-5 times per day.
The water in the morning before breakfast makes a big difference too!

I don't crave anything really... other fruits don't appeal to me, my families cooked meals don't appeal to me... so there is some great changes occurring and I feel grateful for that.

**Major plus** lots of daily energy and many BM's. ;)

Cheers to a wonderful Life!!

P.S. My chilled banana pudding I indulged in yesterday for lunch!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Banana Island ~ Day Four and missing RT4

Hello everyone!!!
It's so nice to be sharing another blog post with all of you! I'm new to this whole banana island thing... Decided to give it four weeks after having issues with my gallbladder and was told to remove fat from my diet. I was told I can eat bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. I ate bananas and within no time i had no pain in my sides and no fever! Check that out!!
So I did a few days on the RT4 plan and then decided to go ahead and do a banana island for the month of September :)

Today begins day four. Day two I didn't have near enough bananas and was tired. Yesterday (day three) I woke up bloated and that made me a little bummed, but after reading posts and comments, I understand the bloating... Ha! Just waiting for it to stop! ;)
Day three was my most challenging so far, day three on any plan always seems to be the weird day! Lol
I threw bananas in my purse so that I had snacks on me at all times, and it was perfect, I was running errands and was nonstop. The bananas were my go-to energy source. Then a late lunch rolled by and my sweet fam wanted to eat out. I made me half a gallon of banana milk, stuffed myself with as much as I could handle and then headed to the restaurant. French fries looked really good ;)) I even told my husband that I was gonna get a salad (I was feeling so hungry that I even thought about ordering a chili bowl) but once the waiter came to take our order, a peace of mind came over me and I thought, I'm on day three of banana island, I'm fine, I don't need anything from this restaurant. So with my glass of water I sat and laughed with the family while they ate and then we headed out for more errands. I felt so good not caving in. Even my husband said he wants to do the banana island because he hates feeling tired after meals... Mmm hmmm!
I had no more bananas in my purse and all the extra running around was taking my energy reserve. By the time I got home, I was a cranky mess. Not to mention I felt very tired. So I layed down and ended up sleeping for two hours! Woke up HUNGRY so I snacked on bananas and the rest of my banana milk. By this point I was missing the RT4 plan and was seriously contimplating ditching banana island and making me some rice noodles for dinner.
But I didn't want to quit. I allowed myself to enjoy making my family their dinner and I did it with love. I went about my night keeping myself busy and then hit the sack as early as I could... 10pm! Lol
Day three was my challenge but I got through it! And I'm proud to say that I'm on day four!!
This is a lifestyle correction, I'm doing my part to fix the damage I've caused years ago. I'm grateful that I get to buy as many bananas as I want and that I get to be part of banana island with full support from my husband and daughters. I get to do this. I'm thankful.

Cheers to bananas!!!!!
She Fit Vegan