Eat to LIVE!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Our very first backpacking adventure! - prepping!

Ryan and I have decided to backpack into the Grand Canyon this October 2013. We thought about hiking it originally but as we started to learn more about the backpacking experience, we fell in love with it and wanted most definitely to backpack rather than hike! 
Here's why:
* Ryan and I LOVE to be challenged! 
* we're so into camping and being outdoors, therefore, we are really excited about carrying all of our camping gear down into the canyon with us to set up camp for a few nights and continue hiking and exploring the falls.
* why hike when you can backpack?! :)
* all in all, it's US!

So!! We've committed ourselves to this new adventure! I wake up thinking about REI (the outdoors store) and go to bed thinking about REI! Hahaha... It has consumed me, no doubt! 
We're buying our gear as we learn and go... So far this is what we have...
A light weight tent from REI, a footprint, two collapsible bowls and two sets of folding utensils.
The tent:
REI brand Quarter Dome T2 Plus Ultralight 3-Season Tent-Extended Size. 
We set this tent up in the house after we got it and it was fairly easy to put together! (Reading the instructions helped) ;) 
Ryan and I can fit comfortably in the tent together with room at our feet for our bags. The tent weighs right around 4 pounds and cost us right around $250 (with the 25% off coupon) score!

The bowls and utensils:
These are pretty neat because they're so compact and light weight! Expensive at $15 per bowl and $12 per utensil set... But hey! Weight and size matters when backpacking! 

Ryan and I have started our training by improving our leg strength via squats (this in which I can't do due to hurting my lower lumbar spine a few months ago, but am slowly adding them into my regimen). We're working our core more than we were with our previous training and lifting weights to add upper body muscle and strength. My goal is to get consistently back into bikram yoga and together, we'll start utilizing the bleachers for some "up hill" and "down hill" training. Small hikes with our 30 pound backpacks will come into play as well (as soon as we get them). I've been working on my cardio daily to strengthen my respiratory system. 

Daily fuel:
Ryan and I eat a clean whole foods plant-based diet. Complete with fresh vegetables, beans, lentils, brown rice, quinoa, and organic sprouted tofu. Ryan prefers the heavier meals and I prefer the large leafy salads! 

We're taking this one day at a time! We both have so much to learn and gain from this experience and yet we are so eager to share this fun filled journey with anyone who is interested in reading our blog :)

We love feedback so please share your thoughts and personal experiences with us regarding backpacking! 

Malynda "She Fit Vegan"

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